Partners in Lifelong Support Since 1966

In the News

New DDS Provider Directory Launching in September 2024

In September 2024, DDS is launching an online Provider Directory (PD). Its full capabilities will be released in phases. Service provider owners and designated regional center representatives will be invited to create an account and collaborate to ensure accurate provider information is in the system.

We need your help to complete PD registration information by August 15. Service Providers: Be ready for a call or e-mail from Protiviti to provide your registration information for the new DDS online Provider Directory. And be sure to watch for news and updates on what you'll need to do.

Questions? E-mail or learn more online.

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07/01 - BE PREPARED for Extreme Heat This Week

This week will be hot, with many areas of California experiencing 110 degree heat, or more. Please stay safe, stay cool, and share the information and resources in the link below with your family, friends and communities.

California prepares for dangerous heatwave ahead of Fourth of July: What you need to know!

Below are some additional tips to help you stay safe from extreme heat:

Stay Cool (During the Hottest Times of the Day):  

Stay Hydrated: 

  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially water, even when not thirsty; drink sports drinks (in moderation with water) to help replace electrolytes lost during exercise. 

Stay Connected:  

  • Californians are encouraged to check on their neighbors – call or visit vulnerable people, and offer to pick up groceries, medication, and other necessities. Older adults, young children and babies, people with chronic medical conditions and those who are pregnant are most vulnerable.

Stay Informed: 

  • Check the local news for weather forecasts, extreme heat alerts, and information about cooling centers.  

Additional Resource Links:

How to Stay Healthy in Excessive Heat

Preventing Dehydration

Drowning Prevention

Enter your zip code here for the latest weather forecast.

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Preparing for an Emergency and Extreme Heat

The summer heat is here, and we hope you are all staying cool and drinking plenty of water. We are sharing the following attachments to help you prepare for any emergency with extreme heat and wildfires.

Following are a few more resources to help you plan any emergency response, stay prepared and stay informed.







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Seeking Applicants for Developmental Services Master Plan Workgroups

Are you passionate about improving services for individuals with developmental disabilities in California? California’s Health and Human Services Agency (CalHHS) with the Department of Developmental Services is looking for passionate individuals to join five new Master Plan workgroups.

The workgroups will help us develop recommendations for a better developmental disabilities service system. We need people from all backgrounds representing diverse communities to lend their expertise and make a difference. This includes people with disabilities, and those with personal or professional experience with California's developmental services system.

These working groups will meet monthly by zoom starting in late July 2024 through early 2025. Members will meet for about 3 hours each month and will also work individually between meeting on their group’s priority issues and developing recommendations.


Please use the online application forms below to apply.

You will be asked to provide information about your interest and your background. To help us recruit diverse members you will be asked some optional confidential demographic questions.

If you need accommodations or assistance to complete the application form, please email us at with the subject line “application help.”

The application was released online on June 7. The deadline to submit an application has been extended to June 28. This will allow more time for applicants requesting assistance or needing to complete the survey in another language.


Whether or not you are appointed to a workgroup, we encourage you to stay engaged with this process. There are many ways to participate and provide input or feedback:

  • Public comment opportunities are available at all committee meetings. Details about upcoming events are on the Master Plan Website
  • E-mail your ideas to
  • Let us know if you would like to host or join a roundtable discussion in your community.

Thank you for your interest and support!

Questions? E-mail

California Master Plan for Developmental Services Website

Buscando Solicitantes para Grupos de Trabajo del Plan Maestro de Servicios de Desarrollo

¿Le apasiona mejorar los servicios para personas con discapacidades del desarrollo en California? La Agencia de Salud y Servicios Humanos de California (CalHHS) junto con el Departamento de Servicios de Desarrollo están buscando personas apasionadas para unirse a nuestros cinco nuevos grupos de trabajo.

Los grupos de trabajo nos ayudarán a desarrollar recomendaciones para un mejor sistema de servicios para discapacidades del desarrollo. Necesitamos personas de todos los orígenes que representen comunidades diversas para aportar su experiencia y marcar la diferencia. Esto incluye personas con discapacidades y aquellas con experiencia personal o profesional en el sistema de servicios de desarrollo.

Estos grupos de trabajo se reunirán mensualmente por Zoom comenzando en julio de 2024 hasta principios de 2025. Los miembros se reunirán aproximadamente 3 horas cada mes y también trabajarán individualmente entre las reuniones sobre los temas prioritarios de su grupo y el desarrollo de recomendaciones.


Para obtener más información sobre los grupos de trabajo y solicitar unirse, complete nuestra encuesta de solicitud en línea.

Se le pedirá que proporcione información sobre sus intereses y su experiencia en este tema. Para ayudarnos a reclutar miembros diversos, se le harán algunas preguntas demográficas opcionales que serán confidenciales.

Si necesita adaptaciones o asistencia para completar el formulario de solicitud, envíenos un correo electrónico a Favor de escribir en el asunto "ayuda para la solicitud".

La solicitud se publicó en línea el 7 de junio. La fecha límite para enviar la solicitud es el 28 de junio. Esto dará más tiempo a los solicitantes que soliciten asistencia o que necesiten completar la encuesta en otro idioma.


Ya sea que lo designen o no para un grupo de trabajo, lo alentamos a que se mantenga comprometido con este proceso. Hay muchas maneras de participar y proporcionar información o comentarios:

  • Las oportunidades de comentarios públicos están disponibles en todas las reuniones del comité. Los detalles sobre los próximos Eventos se encuentran en el sitio web del Plan Principal
  • Envía tus ideas por correo electrónico a
  • Háganos saber si le gustaría organizar o unirse a una mesa redonda en su comunidad.

¡Gracias por su interes y apoyo!

¿Preguntas? E-mail

Sitio de Internet por Plan Maestro de Servicios de Desarrollo

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A Message from Our Board President on Lanterman’s Executive Director’s Retirement

Dear Lanterman Community Members,

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Frank D. Lanterman Regional Center, I announce the retirement of our Executive Director, Melinda Sullivan, expected to take place when her contract ends on June 30, 2025.

Melinda has had many worthy accomplishments throughout her 38-year career at Lanterman Regional Center. She joined the Center in October 1987 as a Regional Manager and was promoted to Director of Community Services in 1994. Soon thereafter, promoted again to the position of Associate Director overseeing the Client & Family Services division, a position she held for 17 years before stepping into the role of Executive Director in June of 2014.

Throughout her time at Lanterman, Melinda has held an unwavering commitment to the Center’s mission and values. Her unconditional dedication and passion coupled with her adaptability and exceptional leadership skills have allowed her to foster a stable and positive work environment, safely guiding the Center through exceptionally trying times. This was indeed the case in 2020 when Melinda was tasked with leading the Center through the unprecedented time of COVID. Her priority was ensuring the health and safety of her employees, individuals served and their families, and service providers, as well as ensuring services and support continued during this challenging time. She created stability during a very unstable time and did so with grace and great empathy.    

Her contributions will always be valued, and her willing spirit will be deeply missed.

The Board of Directors will soon begin its search for a new leader. We are committed to finding the best qualified candidate for Frank D. Lanterman Regional Center and it is our highest priority to ensure a smooth transition of leadership.
Louis Mitchell
Board President


Un Mensaje de Nuestro Presidente de la Junta Directiva sobre el Retiro de la Directora Ejecutiva de Lanterman

Estimados miembros de la comunidad Lanterman,
En nombre de la Junta Directiva del Centro Regional Frank D. Lanterman, anuncio el retiro de nuestra Directora Ejecutiva, Melinda Sullivan, que tendrá efecto al finalizar su contrato el 30 de junio del 2025.
Melinda ha tenido muchos logros a lo largo de sus 38 años de carrera en el Centro Regional Lanterman. Se incorporó al Centro en octubre de 1987 como Gerente Regional y ascendió a Directora de Servicios Comunitarios en 1994. Poco después, asumió el cargo de Directora Asociada que supervisa la División de Servicios para Clientes y Familias, ejerció esta posición durante 17 años antes de asumir el cargo de Directora Ejecutiva en junio del 2014.
A lo largo de su tiempo en Lanterman, Melinda ha mantenido un compromiso inquebrantable con la misión y valores del Centro. Su dedicación incondicional y pasión junto con su adaptabilidad y habilidades excepcionales de liderazgo le han permitido fomentar un ambiente de trabajo estable y positivo, y guiar con seguridad al Centro a través de tiempos excepcionalmente difíciles. Este fue el caso en 2020 cuando Melinda tenía la responsabilidad del Centro durante el difícil tiempo del COVID. Su prioridad era garantizar la salud y la seguridad de sus empleados, las personas que atiende el Centro, sus familiares, y proveedores de servicios, así como asegurar los servicios y el apoyo en este tiempo tan difícil. Ella creó la estabilidad durante ese tiempo y lo hizo con agrado y gran empatía.

Sus contribuciones siempre serán valoradas, y su espíritu de disponibilidad será profundamente extrañado.
La Junta Directiva pronto comenzará la búsqueda de un nuevo director. Estamos comprometidos a encontrar el candidato o candidata mejor cualificado para el Centro Regional Frank D. Lanterman y es nuestra prioridad garantizar una transición fluida para el cargo.
Louis Mitchell
Presidente de la Junta Directiva

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Self-Determination Coaching Services / Servicios de Coaching de Autodeterminación / 自決輔導服務

Phoenix Facilitation has a team of expert coaches for participants and families interested in the Self-Determination Program (SDP) at Lanterman Regional Center.

The service is free for participants and families. Ask your service coordinator how to get started.

  • Protecting and Advocating
  • Transparency
  • Sharing Knowledge

Experienced coaches are fluent in English, Spanish and Chinese.

Contact 310.863.7977 or

Learn more at


Phoenix Facilitation cuenta con un equipo de entrenadores expertos para participantes y familias interesadas en el Programa de Autodeterminación (SDP) en el Centro Regional Lanterman.

El servicio es gratuito para participantes y familias. Pregúntele a su coordinador de servicios cómo comenzar.

  • Protegiendo y abogando
  • Transparencia
  • El intercambio de conocimientos

Los entrenadores experimentados hablan inglés, español y chino con fluidez.

Comuníquese al 310.863.7977 o

Obtenga más información en


Phoenix Facilitation 拥有一个经验丰富的团队,为 Frank D. Lanterman区域中心 的自决计划 (SDP) 感兴趣的参与 者和家庭提供合适的服务。

这是一项免费的资询服务。 请联络您的区域中心服务协调员来 了解更多关于我们的服务。

  • 保护和拥护
  • 透明度
  • 分享知识


請聯絡 310.863.7977 或



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Public Comment Period on Potential Updates to DDS Data Collection Categories

DDS continues to work to strengthen accessibility, quality and equity for all individuals served by regional centers.

They are asking for your comments by the end of April 2024 about possible updates to the information collected about race, ethnicity, language, residence and status codes, and sexual orientation and gender identity.

More details on how you can submit comments on the proposed changes are on the “Public Comment” tab of this webpage.

Thank you in advance for contributing your thoughts on these foundational topics.

Informational webinars:
Click on the date/time to Register
*Webinars will be recorded and posted on the DDS Website

In addition to the five informational webinars below, there are two webinar opportunities for you to share your input or comments on the proposed changes with DDS verbally.

Race and Ethnicity Only
Tuesday, April 23, 2024, 9:30-11:30 a.m.


All other topics
Thursday, April 25, 2024, from 9-11 a.m.

Written comments are accepted any time through the end of April 2024 via e-mail:

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Phase I of the New, Online Provider Directory to Launch Spring/Summer 2024

Reshare from the Department of Developmental Services

Dear Community Partners:

DDS is committed to helping Californians with developmental disabilities and their families access information about regional center services. In talking with self-advocates, families and service providers, we have heard the value of having information about services available at both a local and state level.

To help with this, DDS is actively developing an online statewide Provider Directory. The goals of the Provider Directory are to:

  • Have visibility into California’s network of developmental services providers
  • Establish consistency and standards for provider vendorization
  • Make it easier for individuals and families to find service options, leading to greater empowerment when selecting their services and supports

What is the Provider Directory? 

The Provider Directory is an online portal that will be used to input, store and view information about all service providers in the state. 

The Provider Directory will centralize information about service providers that work with multiple regional centers, help to clarify the organizational structure within companies, maintain up-to-date contact information, and assist communication among DDS, regional centers and service providers.

When fully developed, the Provider Directory will make it possible to determine where services are available and needed, track development of new resources and be searchable by self-advocates and families to identify service options in their community.

How is the Provider Directory getting started?

The Provider Directory will be developed in phases, adding features over time that will be useful to our community.

The first phase begins with gathering information about all service providers and verifying that the information is accurate and categorized in the same way. For Phase 1, only regional centers and service providers are able to access the directory to help enter and confirm data.

Future phases will focus on making the Provider Directory accessible to individuals and families. We will keep you informed as we get closer to having a search function available to individuals and families. Since the Provider Directory is a new system and one that includes approximately 46,000 distinct vendored services, it will take time, but we will provide updates on the progress.

This is a big task and to be successful we need all service providers to participate!

  • Training will be available for service providers. 
  • DDS will offer incentive payments to service providers through the Quality Incentive Program (QIP)
    • More information about the incentive payout will be provided in future communications
    • We will rely on the Provider Directory information for future QIP activities, including payment for outcome and quality measures

What will happen in future phases of the Provider Directory project? 

DDS will build on the information collected in Phase I to add features that focus on:

  • Making the vendorization process easier for service providers
  • Integrating with the State’s case management & fiscal systems
  • Helping individuals and families find services in their communities that have staff who speak their preferred language

This exciting project will serve our entire community. As a comprehensive and accessible source of information, the Provider Directory will improve transparency, evaluation of systemwide resources, and most importantly, help individuals and their families get information that can support making informed decisions about their services.

Additional Information:

Visit the Provider Directory page

Sign up to be added to the Provider Directory email distribution list.

Questions? E-mail

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Remembering Howard McBroom - Friend to Many, Staunch Advocate and Motivational Speaker (1955-2024)

The end of February, Howard McBroom's friends, of which there were many, gathered together to celebrate his life at the La Canada Country Club. Howard was a prolific writer and in his nearly 70 years, he was also a tremendous advocate against hate, bullying and gun violence. He left a lasting impression on everyone he met and his advocacy efforts will live on in all of us who had the pleasure to know Howard and be inspired by his words and actions. The world is a better place for having had Howard in it.

Here are some favorite quotes from Howard:

  • "The way to build yourself up is by doing good things in the world and lifting up other people."
  • "Life and love are the two most valuable things. We all have a right to love, to live our lives, and to do good work in the world."
  • "Hate does not equal power; it can only lead to destruction. And hate can never build anything good, only kindness and compassion can."

To learn more about Howard's remarkable life, continue reading the tribute from Srbui Ovsepyan, on behalf of Lanterman Regional Center.

Howard McBroom came to Lanterman Regional Center in May 2004 by way of a referral through a friend from church. He was 48 years old, living in a converted garage in Burbank, and had recently lost a job. While Howard had been living in California for 27 years by that time, he had struggled with maintaining consistent employment but continued to find work and was able to support himself through the assistance of members of his church. At the time of his referral, Howard was not working, and he needed help. At his meetings early on with the Regional Center, Howard shared that he always knew he was “different” but he didn’t know what was different about him. As a child, he was diagnosed with a “neurological disorder” and he knew he had trouble with coordination, walking and was hard of hearing. His progressive hearing loss, he felt, contributed to his speech difficulties. He knew he had received services in school as a child but had never received a formal diagnosis. Finally, at the age of 48, Howard received a diagnosis of Autism. For him, this diagnosis brought a world of clarity, understanding, insight and compassion. His drive for advocacy was propelled into a new level, one that was focused on advocating for not just for himself, but for those around him with a developmental disability.
Howard's work in advocacy did not start when he came to the Regional Center or received his diagnosis. Rather, Howard has been an advocate all of his life. Howard often talked about how difficult his childhood was. He shared that he was bullied relentlessly by his classmates, and once said “it was no fun living in fear.” In 2011, seven years after he was diagnosed with Autism, Howard was featured in a newsletter published through the Regional Center where he talked about where his advocacy came from. He talked about his high school history teacher, Mr. Marshall. Mr. Marshall was also the coach of the school basketball team. He mentored Howard and became like a father figure to him. Mr. Marshall ultimately made Howard the team manager, inspiring him to see beyond his differences with his peers and instead focus on their similarities. It was then that Howard said he found his voice. In 2004, after learning about his diagnosis, Howard’s voice seemed to find a new purpose.
Shortly after coming to Lanterman, Howard was assisted with moving into subsidized housing through the United Cerebral Palsy apartments, now known as Momentum. By 2007, three short years after coming to Lanterman Regional Center, Howard was nominated to serve on the Board of Directors. He served as a Board member for three consecutive terms, finally reaching his term limits in 2014. At the same time, Howard served as the Chair of the Client Advisory Committee, a committee of the Board of Directors that was made up of self-advocates who helped inform and further the Center’s work. He also served on the Programs and Services Committee, another committee of the Board, where he helped to inform the development of purchase of service standards, reviewed and monitored the progress of the Regional Center's performance plan and gave recommendations to the Board of Directors on policy development related to case management. Howard dedicated nearly 16 years of his life to serving the developmental disabilities community through his various leadership roles and commitments held at the Lanterman Regional Center. He served on both committees up until a few months before his passing. 
Howard’s advocacy work didn’t stop with his service on the Board and committees of the Regional Center. Instead, Howard quickly became one of the most sought-after public speakers in the community. By 2012, Howard had many speaking engagements through the Department of Rehabilitation, and at the Job Club, where he spoke to people with disabilities about workforce challenges and ways to overcome obstacles in life and during work. Once of my favorite titles of Howard's work in this area was called, “How to Get Off Loser Street and Stay on Winners Way.”
Howard was also invited to speak as a motivational speaker to a parent support group through Easterseals, where he shared his life experiences and gave messages of strength and resilience to families with children with disabilities.
In 2011, Howard was featured in a Los Angeles Times article called “Autism Hidden in Plain Sight” about people getting diagnosed later in life. This article caught the eye of a psychiatrist from Germany,  Dr. Georg Theunissen. The following year, in 2012, Dr. Georg came to Los Angeles, and through the connections made by then Executive Director, Diane Anand, he was introduced to Howard. They had several meetings together, where Howard was interviewed for his book called, “The Practice of Autism in America.” Howard’s interview was featured in a chapter of the book. Three years later, in 2015, Dr. Georg came back to LA and presented an idea to Howard. He wanted to have a conference about Autism in Germany, the first ever of its kind, where psychiatric professionals and people with Autism could come together under one roof and have a discussion. The Conference was to be called, “Autism in Dialogue” and Howard was invited to attend and speak at it. Through the unique coordination and assistance from Lanterman Regional Center and his support staff at United Cerebral Palsy, Howard was able to get his passport, pack his essentials, make arrangements for assistance at the airport, and was on a plane to Zurich. Once there, Howard was met by Dr. Georg and his wife, with whom Howard stayed for 10 days to attend the conference and see the wonderful sights of Berlin.
At the conference, Howard spoke to the main audience as well as in breakout sessions on the following topics: “The Effects of Autism on Me”, “My Story” and “The Regional Center System and Self-Determination.” Howard’s story was titled, “Hope from America.” In January of 2016, Howard shared a presentation to Lanterman’s Board of Directors, where he said “I am very proud to represent the Regional Center in such a large-scale advocacy effort.” Just last year, Howard was asked to share about his experiences with the Regional Center, as part of a training video that he made for our new staff. In it, Howard recounted this trip to Germany, stating that this was one of the best experiences of his life, and with the Regional Center. He said, “In a way, I helped make a small part of history.” We certainly agree.
A couple of years prior to his trip to Germany, Howard was asked to participate in the filming of a documentary called “Autism in Love” which followed six individuals with Autism in varying relationships, from single to married, in order to explore their successes, trials and tribulations with love. The filming crew followed Howard to Jeffersonville, Indiana to film Howard at his 40th high school reunion. The documentary aired later that year. When talking about this experience, Howard said this documentary was very special to him because it covered two of the most important topics for him – Autism and Love. When Howard first came to the Regional Center, he shared that he often found most of his comfort when he was alone, which we know can be common for people with Autism. However, in the community that Howard found through the Regional Center, through his new apartment at United Cerebral Palsy, through his church and through the many, many community engagements he participated in, Howard found a different kind of comfort, a comfort he found from being around all of us.
From 2018 on, Howard continued to participate in a variety of conferences across the country and even in Canada. Many of these activities he did through Easterseals, which I’m sure we’ll hear more about later. Others, he participated as a representative of Lanterman Regional Center. He attended the SDP Local Advisory Committee and the Client Advisory Committee conferences held in Sacramento, CA. He participated in and attended various trainings on Autism, demonstrating his continued desire for knowledge, resources, advocacy and connection. In 2020, Howard was among the first group of individuals to pilot the Self-Determination Program at Lanterman Regional Center. As many of you know, Howard was a champion for the Self-Determination Program; he believed in the values of the program and promoted and advocated for the implementation of the program statewide and until his last breath. We will hear more about the work that Howard did for the Self-Determination Program and his success story directly from those who helped make that possible for Howard, so I won’t say more on this. But I think our Executive Director, Melinda Sullivan said it best when she said, “Howard lived a self-determined life long before the Self-Determination Program came into effect here in CA.” How could it have been anything but an absolute success for him?
Howard often talked about coming to Lanterman Regional Center and finding his home. In Howard, Lanterman Regional Center saw the embodiment of its core values in everything he did. Howard embodied the meaning of community ownership; of partnership; accountability - both to the Regional Center and to the developmental disabilities community; leadership and advocacy. When Howard truly understood what made him unique, he embraced his Autism in a way that was both inspiring and groundbreaking. Howard was truly an advocate for himself and for all of us.
On a more personal level, I had the pleasure of first meeting Howard in 2012, as his service coordinator. Howard was among the first people that I met and worked with as I entered this field. He and I formed an almost instant connection; we had many things in common, including our passion for mental health advocacy and a love of books. I spent a lot of time getting to know Howard and listening to him talk about his experiences and his many teachings.
Howard had a calling – he had the ability to draw from deeply personal and sometimes painful experiences and turn those experiences into messages of hope and solutions. He talked a lot about the damaging effects of childhood bullying and how he felt that violence in this country could be mitigated with proper anti-bullying teachings starting early in grade school. He truly believed that providing counseling and positive experiences to youth who were victims of bullying would fight the catastrophic effects of mass violence we see all too often in our society. He wrote many blogs and created many YouTube videos on this topic, he spoke about this topic to the community and hoped to share his message far and wide.
While I was no longer his Service Coordinator after 2017, I continued to stay in close contact with Howard over the years; I had the absolute pleasure of continuing to work with him through the Client Advisory Committee and the Programs and Services Committee. Towards the end, I spent some time with Howard at the hospital and then again just days before he passed. We held hands, we said a prayer together, we talked about all of his accomplishments in life and all the things he felt he still had to do. He again talked about mental health and how much is needed now more than ever, how he felt the field of mental health could greatly benefit from the teachings of the Self-Determination Program to reach those in need. Even from his hospital bed, faced with a terminal illness, Howard couldn’t stop thinking about and advocating for those around him. The world is a better place for having had Howard in it.
I’ll end with this – Howard had an amazing ability to make friends everywhere he went. I mean, look around this room. Whether you knew Howard for a few a months, or years, Howard made a lasting impact on you in some way. Howard became an instant friend. And when you were a friend of Howard's, he let you know. He let you know how important you were to him, and he often let others know about you too. When you were in Howard’s circle, you were connected not just with Howard, but with others in his circle as well. There is an instant kinship among all of us here today, because we all knew and loved Howard. Howard was a fierce advocate and a loving friend. And so today, we stand here together, as friends of Howard, in celebration of his life and legacy. We will miss you, Howard. Thank you for being our friend.

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Self-Determination Coaching Services / Servicios de Coaching de Autodeterminación

Are you a part of Lanterman Regional Center? Have you heard about the Self-Determination Program? Take advantage of Lanterman’s coaching services through Ally Comprehensive Services! Your individual coach will:

  • Answer your questions about the Self-Determination Program (SDP)
  • Share how the program can benefit you
  • Explain the difference between SDP and traditional services
  • Help you get started and guide you through the process
  • Share important SDP resources and learning opportunities

Experienced coaches are all fluent in English and Spanish.

Contact 310.933.5112 or to get started with coaching services.

These services are made possible by Lanterman’s Self-Determination Local Advisory Committee.


¿Eres parte del Centro Regional Lanterman? ¿Has oído del Programa de Autodeterminación? ¡Aproveche los servicios de coaching de Lanterman a través de Ally Comprehensive Services! Su coach individual:

  • Responderá a sus preguntas sobre el Programa de Autodeterminación (SDP)
  • Compartirá cómo el programa puede beneficiarle
  • Explicará la diferencia entre SDP y los servicios tradicionales
  • Ayudará con los primeros pasos y el resto del proceso
  • Compartirá recursos importantes y oportunidades paraaprender sobre el programa de SDP

Coaches expertos hablan Inglés y Español.

Comuníquese al 310.933.5112 o para comenzar con los servicios de coaching.

Estos servicios son posibles gracias al Comité Asesor Local de Autodeterminación de Lanterman.


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National Core Indicators (NCI) Family Surveys / Encuestas de Indicadores Básicos Nacionales (NCI) para las Familias

From February to June 2024, let your voice be heard - participate in the National Core Indicators (NCI) Family Surveys.

Surveys evaluate the services and supports you and your family member receive through your regional center and service providers. Surveys address topics like:

  • Rights
  • Choices
  • Service Planning
  • Community Inclusion
  • Health & Safety
  • Other Important Topics

You will receive one of three NCI surveys based on whether your family member with I/DD is:

  • a child living in the family home
  • an adult living in the family home
  • an adult living outside of the family home

Let your regional center and the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) know what you think about your services. Participating helps your regional center and DDS understand how services and supports impact you, your family and loved ones.

Surveys are mailed directly to you from the State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD). Fill out the survey on paper and mail it in (postage is already paid) OR use the code in your letter to fill out the survey online.

E-mail or


De febrero a junio de 2024, haga oír su voz - participe en las Encuestas de Indicadores Básicos Nacionales (NCI) para Las Familias.

Las encuestas evalúan los servicios y apoyos que reciben usted y el miembro de su familia a través de su centro regional y proveedores de servicios.

Las encuestas abordan temas como:

  • Derechos
  • Opciones
  • Planificación de servicios
  • Inclusión comunitaria
  • Salud y Seguridad
  • Otros temas importantes

Recibirá una de las tres encuestas del NCI según si su familiar con I/DD es:

  • Un niño que vive en el hogar familiar
  • Un adulto que vive en el hogar familiar
  • Un adulto que vive fuera del hogar familiar

Comparta su opinión sobre los servicios que recibe con el centro regional y el Departamento de Servicios de Desarrollo (DDS). Su participación ayuda al centro regional y al DDS a entender el impacto que ejercen estos servicios y apoyos sobre usted, su familia y sus seres queridos.

El Consejo Estatal de Discapacidades del Desarrollo (SCDD) le enviará las encuestas por correo directamente. Complete la encuesta impresa y envíela por correo postal (el franqueo ya está pago). O Use el código que figura en la carta para completar la encuesta en línea.

Correo electrónico o


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HCBS Final Rule Gets Hollywood Treatment


ARCA is thrilled to share a major project spearheaded by Tri-Counties Regional Center (TCRC), meant to make the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Final Rule more accessible to service providers, people with developmental disabilities, and the community at large.

TCRC partnered with a Hollywood studio to create a top-quality animated series of five-minute short videos explaining key elements of the Final Rule with engaging characters, humorous stories, and top-notch production values. This resource will benefit our entire community, and we're excited to share it with you today!

“As the HCBS Final Rule affects so many people, we have to get creative in how we give both the people we serve and our vendors support in understanding the regulations. In order to remain eligible for federal reimbursement all such services must meet the HCBS Final Rule.” – Diva Johnson, Director of Community Development (TCRC)

The series has 20 videos, in two ten-episode sets. There's a version for service providers, and a version for people receiving services. Each ten-episode playlist covers the same topics, to help ensure everyone can understand their obligations (as providers) and their rights (as individuals).

For additional accessibility, versions in 20 languages are coming soon! There are also ASL versions of all available, and a special behind-the-scenes video about the making of this series!

Accessible, Engaging, Informative, and Entertaining!

This resource started with a conversation between Diva Johnson, TCRC's Director of Community Development, and Mark Wolfe, who is the president of both TCRC's board and ARCA's board of directors. As a movie producer and former owner of the Reading Rainbow brand, Mark immediately saw the benefits of this. “My son is served by TCRC and I respect their desire to feature real stories, portrayed by people with disabilities to make the HCBS requirements widely available, so when Diva came to me with the request to find a way to produce these animated videos with Hollywood quality but the non-Hollywood budget available to a non-profit, it was an easy yes.”

This series highlights the diversity of our service system, both on-screen and via the actors behind it. The "making of" video highlights how inclusivity was a guiding principle in bringing this to life.

To produce the series, Wolfe brought on board Public Pixels Media, headed up by Joe Sichta, an award-winning show runner for some of the most beloved animations including Scooby Doo, Thomas the Tank Engine, and Muppet Babies. “The amazing work done by the regional centers for so many Californians made my yes to pulling in the best talent as my part in giving back,” said Sichta.

ARCA is honored to share this new resource that will help people with developmental disabilities, their families, and the service providers who make community life possible understand the ways the HCBS Final Rule benefits us all!

“It’s vital that ARCA and all regional centers continue educating on how to comply with these regulations and continue improving the lives of people with developmental disabilities. We applaud Tri-Counties Regional Center for their leadership and commitment on this statewide project.” – Amy Westling, Executive Director, ARCA


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QIP Prevention and Wellness Measure Announcement for Specific Providers of Residential Services

From January 16 to March 12, 2024, DDS is offering vendors $1,000 per individual they report on as part of the Department of Developmental Services’ Quality Incentive Program (QIP) Prevention and Wellness measure. This is for providers currently operating any of the following types of residential services:

  • Adult Residential Facility for Persons with Special Health Care Needs (ARFPSHN)
  • Enhanced Behavioral Supports Home (EBSH)
  • Family Home Agency (FHA)
  • Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (RCFE)

View flyer

For more information and resources about this measure and the DDS QIP, visit the DDS QIP webpage.

For questions about provider eligibility about this measure, contact


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Tech Classes / Clases de Tecnología / 기술 수업

Join St. Barnabas Senior Services for their Digital Literacy Course. Here are the details:

  • Digital Discovery: master apps, e-mail, safety and telehealth
  • Empower Your Online Journey: by joining their tech-savvy community
  • Expert Guidance: at your fingertips
  • Direct care workers may be eligible for incentives
  • In-person, online and recorded classes
  • Class enrollment includes iPad access for those in need


Únase a St. Barnabas Senior Services para su curso de alfabetización digital. Aquí están los detalles:

  • Digital Discovery: domine apps, correo electrónico, seguridad y telesalud
  • Potencia tu viaje en línea: uniéndote a un comunidad de expertos en tecnología
  • Orientación experta: en tus dedos
  • Los trabajadores de atención directa pueden tener derecho a incentivos
  • Clases presenciales, en línea y grabadas
  • La inscripción a la clase incluye acceso al iPad para aquellos que lo necesiten


디지털 리터러시 과정을 위해 St. Barnabas Senior Services 에 가입하세요. 자세한 내용은 다음과 같습니다.

  • 디지털 검색: 마스터 앱, 이메일, 안전 및 원격 의료
  • 온라인 여정 강화: 기술에 정통한 커뮤니티에 참여하여
  • 전문가의 안내: 여러분의 손끝에서
  • 직접 간병인은 인센티브를 받을 수 있습니다
  • 대면, 온라인 및 녹화 수업
  • 수업 등록에는 도움이 필요한 사람들을 위한 iPad 액세스가 포함됩니다

Contact info: / Datos de contacto: / 연락처 정보:


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Maple Counseling Mindful Parenting Program

Maple Counseling presents their Mindful Parenting Program which is a free four-week virtual parenting group series.

They ask for a four-week commitment Tuesdays at 4 p.m. Learn how to:

  • Develop mindfulness and self-compassion
  • Learn self-reflective problem-solving skills
  • Strengthen connection and communication with your family
  • Set effective limits with empathy

Register here:


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DSP Training Stipend Program

DSP Training Stipend Program
Effective September 12, 2023 Direct Service Professionals (DSPs) can be receive up to two $625 (before taxes) stipends for completing approved training courses. The DSP Training Stipend Program is time-limited and all trainings must be completed by August 31, 2024. (the deadline was extended from June 30, 2024)
DSPs, including some frontline supervisors and clinical staff, who meet the following criteria are eligible for the training stipend:

  • Work as a paid DSP an average of 10 hours or more per week;
  • Perform direct support tasks like skills development, guidance, and personal assistance to regional center clients as a regular part of their job duties;
  • Spend at least 50% of work hours doing direct support tasks; and
  •  Are employed by a regional center vendor or by a participant in the Self-Determination Program.

Lanterman Service Provider Instructions

  1. Interested Lanterman service providers need to complete and e-mail the DSP Training Stipend Agreement form to Pablo Ibañez, director of Community Services, at
  2. DSPs directly enroll in one of the approved courses which can be can be found under the DSP Training Stipend Program tab found at The courses can be accessed via the ARCA Provider Learning Center found at
  3. Lanterman will automatically receive DSP completion reports which will trigger vendor specific payments. Specific payment questions can be directed to Aide Herrera, accounting supervisor, at

The agreement form and more guidance documents can be found in the following enclosures:


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Provider Survey: Supporting People with Substance Use Concerns

Westside Regional Center and Lanterman Regional Center received a grant to expand services for people with developmental disabilities who are (or at risk of being) dually diagnosed with mental health and substance use disorders. This funding will also support the service provider community.

We would like to learn how to better support our providers and the people with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders.

Can you help us by completing this 10-minute survey?

Click here to take the survey


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Happy Holidays from Lanterman

On behalf of Lanterman Regional Center, we send our heartfelt wishes for a wonderful holiday season to all of our clients, their families and our service providers. May your celebrations be safe, peaceful and joyous and best wishes for a happy, healthy and hope-filled new year.

LA County Wheelchair Users: Claim Your Lyft Code Now

In partnership with Lyft, SCRS-IL has secured a $10,000 grant, offering the exclusive promo code 'SCRSDEC23' for wheelchair users to request Lyft's wheelchair-accessible vehicles (WAVs) in LA County. Seize this opportunity within the next 30 days, as this special offer ends on 12/31/2023.

Don't miss out! Click here to claim your code

The $10,000 grant is exclusively designated to benefit wheelchair users in LA County.


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Supporting Family Caregivers via Caring Futures / Apoyando a los Cuidadores Familiares a través de Futuros Y Esperanza

Family caregivers are a critical part of how people with developmental disabilities thrive in communities of their choosing. Their needs, though, are different from those of direct support professionals - first, because their connection is family. And second, because their needs change in different ways over the years. The Arc of California has a new initiative focused on family caregivers and long-term planning - Caring Futures.

Caring Futures is a new program that provides support, skills and community for parents and caregivers of adult family members with disabilities.
It’s the first program of its kind in California, and we encourage you to learn about the resources, classes and community of support Caring Futures offers:

  • The Future is Now: A free, six-week live online class series to help you develop a comprehensive plan of care for your adult family member. 
  • Self-Care Matters: A free, two-week live online class to support the well-being of family caregivers. Ensuring you're at your best for your loved ones.  
  • Connection: Meet other parents and caregivers in a private online group to connect, support one another and share experiences. 

View flyer

Visit the website to learn more


Los cuidadores familiares son una parte fundamental de cómo las personas con discapacidades del desarrollo prosperan en las comunidades de su elección. Sin embargo, sus necesidades son diferentes a las de los profesionales de apoyo directo - primero, porque su conexión es la familia. Y segundo, porque sus necesidades cambian de diferentes maneras a lo largo de los años. The Arc of California tiene una nueva iniciativa centrada en los cuidadores familiares y la planificación a largo plazo - Futuros Y Esperanza.

Futuros y Esperanza es un nuevo programa que brinda apoyo, habilidades y comunidad para padres y cuidadores de familiares adultos con discapacidades.
Es el primer programa de este tipo en California y lo alentamos a conocer los recursos, las clases y la comunidad de apoyo que ofrece Futuros Y Esperanza:

  • El Futuro es Ahora: Una serie de clases gratuitas en vivo y en línea de seis semanas de duración para ayudarle a desarrollar un plan integral de atención para su familiar adulto. Consiga más información e inscríbase.
  • El Autocuidado Importa: Una clase gratuita en línea y en vivo de dos semanas de duración para apoyar el bienestar de los cuidadores familiares. Garantizar que está en su mejor momento para sus seres queridos.
  • Conexión: Conozca a otros padres y cuidadores en un grupo privado en línea para conectarse, apoyarse mutuamente y compartir experiencias.

Ver folleto

Visite el sitio web para aprender más


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DDS Emergency Preparedness Bulletin - Fall Edition: Earthquake/Tsunami

The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) is excited to share the Fall Edition of the Emergency Preparedness Bulletin posted on the Emergency Preparedness Consumer and Vendor pages. This bulletin provides information and preparation reminders for California’s earthquakes and tsunamis. Preparing for the unexpected is your best defense against earthquakes and tsunamis during fall months. Knowing what to do before an emergency occurs allows you to respond quickly. Do not be caught unprepared. Plan today! This bulletin provides relevant emergency preparedness information as part of DDS’ ongoing effort to alert and educate individuals and direct service providers to specific risks identified with our community.

For Vendors and Direct Service Providers:

For Self-Advocates and Families:

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Hidden Barriers to Sexuality Education for Chinese Parents with Children Who Have Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Check out the article from Elevatus Training: "Hidden Barriers to Sexuality Education for Chinese Parents with Children Who Have Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities."

Here's an excerpt:

"In my journey to become culturally competent in reaching people with intellectual and developmental disabilities from other cultures, I asked Bin Feng to give me some insight on working with Chinese families. Bin lives in New York with his son, with autism. He is very involved in providing sexuality education to Chinese Families by serving in communities, but also teaching classes for Chinese parents on How to Talk to you Children about Sexuality and Relationships. Here are his words of wisdom:

When parents reach out to me, they usually have questions about sexual behaviors and how to stop these behaviors. This is true for Chinese parents in both China and the United States. What I often see is parents who are in crisis or not, but want their questions to be kept private.

  1. These courageous parents reach out because they are already in crisis. For example, their son or daughter has been suspended from school or hurt by other children.
  2. The parents may not be in crisis, but they come to me privately, after seminars, asking to keep in privacy.
  3. The biggest issue for them with their kids is how to stop sexual behaviors such as masturbation in public."

Continue reading the article and view resources


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Get in the Holiday Spirit and Make Some Ornaments for the State Capitol Tree

For more than two decades, ornaments created by persons with developmental disabilities have been used to decorate the State Capitol Tree, and the Department of Developmental Services has put out the request for ornaments for 2023's tree.

To be included on the tree, DDS must receive all ornaments by Thursday, November 16, 2023.

The tree lighting ceremony will take place the first week of December. This year, as in previous years, a child with a developmental disability will participate in the evening ceremony with Governor Gavin Newsom and First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom.

If you have questions, contact Amy Wall, DDS Assistant Deputy Director of External and Public Affairs, at 916.869.8833 or


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DDS Approved CPP/CRDP Projects for FY 2023-2024 + Community Input Summary for 2023/24

In 2017, the Lanterman Act was amended to allow the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to provide funding for Regional Centers to develop resources to address unmet needs in their community with certain guidelines (WIC Sections 4418.25  & 4679). This is referred to as Community Resource Development Plan/Community Placement Plan (CRDP/CPP) funding.

Based on Lanterman Regional Center’s community and stakeholder input, the following projects were identified, proposed to DDS, and have been approved for development as Lanterman’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-2024 CRDP/CPP projects:

DDS Approved CPP/CRDP Projects for FY 2023-2024

The Department of Developmental Services awarded Lanterman Regional Center projects as part of the Community Placement Plan (CPP)/Community Resource Development Plan (CRDP) for Fiscal Year 2023-2024.

  • Multi-Family Unit
    • Date Awarded: January 18, 2024
    • Year: RAP 2023/2024
    • RAP Project ID: FDLRC-2324-1
    • Amount: $1,500,000 to support the development of the Lexington Gardens apartment complex in West Hollywood.  Lexington Gardens will be a 48-unit, 5 story, affordable housing project, with 12 studio apartments set aside for people with developmental disabilities who would benefit from coordinated onsite services.  No RFP will be issued since Detroit West Hollywood has been identified as the Housing Development Organization (HDO) to develop these units. 
  • Enhanced Behavioral Supports Home (EBSH)
    • Date Awarded: January 18, 2024
    • Year: CPP 2023/2024 (HDO)
    • CPP Project ID: FDLRC-2324-2
    • Amount: $750,000 to acquire and develop a residential Enhanced Behavioral Supports Home with delayed egress to support individuals with developmental disabilities transitioning from more restrictive living settings who require intensive services due to complex behavior support needs, which are beyond what is typically available in other community living arrangements. This home will also support adults being deflected from more restrictive settings. The funds will be used for the acquisition of the home ($350,000) and renovations ($400,000).
  • Enhanced Supported Living Services (SLS)
    • Date Awarded: January 18, 2024
    • Year: CRPD 2023/2024 (Non-HDO)
    • CRDP Project ID: FDLRC-2324-3
    • Amount: $75,000 start-up funding for an existing Supportive living Services (SLS) provider to recruit and train staff who can work with individuals with complex behavioral/forensic support needs.   Start-up funds will cover recruitment, behavioral and forensic training and first aid/CPR cost.  The recruitment will consist of hiring staff to provide a higher level of SLS support.  The provider will also have a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) to provide the initial training and ongoing support for staff and to assist with the recruitment of staff to provide a higher level of SLS support.
  • Substance Abuse Treatment
    • Date Awarded: January 18, 2024
    • Year: CRPD 2023/2024 (Non-HDO)
    • CRDP Project ID: FDLRC-2324-4
    • Amount: $75,000 start-up funding for an existing substance abuse treatment center that can tailor their program to meet the needs of individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities and substance abuse needs. The program will facilitate substance recovery, social connections, and linkages to other local health and recovery support services. Start-up funds will assist with staff recruitment, training, and program development. The provider may have a consultant to assist with training and program development.

View Lanterman Regional Center’s posted Requests for Proposals for FY 2023-2024

Community Input Summary for 2023/24 Community Service Needs Survey

Each year Frank D. Lanterman Regional Center develops Community Resource Development Plan (CRDP) and Community Placement Plan (CPP) proposals which are presented to the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to meet the needs of the clients and families we serve. Resource development feedback for 2023/24 was obtained from an online survey and input from our support group participants.
Following is a summary of the input received by Lanterman Regional Center. These are the ranked priorities based on community input:

  1. Specialized Homes for Individuals with Medical and Behavioral Needs
  2. Behaviorally Enhanced Adult Services
  3. Support with Substance Abuse/Mental Health Needs
  4. After School/Community Integration Program

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KYRC-Brand in Glendale Opens November 1

We are excited to announce the opening on November 1, of a second Koch-Young Resource Center (KYRC) location. The new site, referred to as KYRC-Brand is located at 611 North Brand in Glendale, right off of the 134 freeway (parking details are below).

It is very similar to the KYRC in that it has both a traditional library and a toy loan library; it has space for children’s play groups, story time, community meetings and possibly support groups. Operating hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday. Upon arrival, please check in with security and they will let you up to the KYRC on the second floor.

This second site was made possible through our Language Access and Cultural Competency (LACC) grant with the Department of Developmental Services. Lanterman's LACC staff, Paola Coronado, Francisco Rodriguez, Yevgeniy Epshteyn and Zayra Gonzalez, will be working there on a full-time basis.

There are two meeting rooms that can comfortably hold between two to four people, and are available to be reserved for individual meetings, such as service coordinator meetings with parents or provider meetings. Reservation requests for KYRC-Brand should be directed to Francisco Rodriguez at 213.212.8194. Reservations may be made one week in advance for one- or two-hour blocks of time. These meeting rooms cannot be reserved for recurring meetings.

There are also two work stations available for staff who may need a place to work between field appointments. These stations are referred to as ‘hoteling’ stations, meaning they are available for anyone to use also on a reservation basis in two-hour blocks of time.

As a reminder, the Center does not reimburse KYRC visitors for parking. There is metered street parking behind the building and paid parking in the structure that can be accessed on Doran, just south of the 134.

We invite you to pop in and check out the new space, and we very much look forward to welcoming our Lanterman community in the Foothill area and connecting with you in-person.

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Looking for Two New Board Members, plus 11/16 Board Recruitment Fair

Lanterman Regional Center is recruiting for two potential board members, whose terms would begin July 2024 and end June 30, 2026. 

As the Center serves a very diverse community, our board must reflect this diversity, and we are looking for the following:

  • Hispanic/Latinx (2 members)
  • Adult Self-Advocate (1 member)

As there are only two positions, potential board members will in some cases meet more than one of the diversity criteria above.

We are hosting a board recruitment fair on Thursday, November 16, that will explain more about the role and responsibilities of board members. Those interested in serving on Lanterman's board of directors should attend and learn more.

See below for a list of frequently asked questions, and following is some additional reference information.

W&I Code §4622 – The state shall contract only with agencies, the governing boards of which conform to all of the following criteria:

  • (a) The governing board shall be composed of individuals with demonstrated interest in, or knowledge of, developmental disabilities.
  • (b) The membership of the governing board shall include persons with legal, management or board governance, financial, and developmental disability program expertise. Board governance expertise may not be acquired solely by serving on a regional center board.
  • (c) The membership of the governing board shall include representatives of the various categories of disability to be served by the regional center.
  • (d) The governing board shall reflect the geographic and ethnic characteristics of the area to be served by the regional center.
  • (e) A minimum of 50 percent of the members of the governing board shall be persons with developmental disabilities or their parents or legal guardians. No less than 25 percent of the members of the governing board shall be persons with developmental disabilities.
  • (f) Members of the governing board shall not be permitted to serve more than seven years within each eight-year period.
  • (i) The advisory committee shall designate one of its members to serve as a member of the regional center board.


Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 4:30 p.m.

Click here to register in advance for this meeting via Zoom

You will receive a confirmation e-mail containing information about joining the meeting after registering.


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