Partners in Lifelong Support Since 1966

HCBS (CMS) Final Rule Compliance Report

In 2014, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released new federal rules requiring residential services and day services to meet new requirements.  Many services people receive are paid for with state and federal money from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Therefore, California must comply with what is called the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Final Rule. This rule sets requirements for the places where people live or receive services. The Final Rule says that settings must be integrated and support full access to the community. Each state has until March 2023 to help providers comply with the CMS requirements. For more information regarding the HCBS Final rule, please visit DDS’s website at

Welfare and Institutions Code section 4519.2(b) requires each regional center to post information related to HCBS Final Rule compliance on its website. This information is to be updated at least every six months until DDS has determined that statewide compliance with the HCBS Final Rule has been met. To view the most current report, please click this link (data last updated 10.01.2021).

(A) Providers needing assessment is defined as providers that group individuals for services and are designed to serve individuals with developmental disabilities.

(B) Providers completed assessment is defined as providers that have completed the self-assessment or site assessment.

(C)* Providers reporting to meet is defined as providers reporting to meet all federal requirements in either the self-assessment or site assessment.

(D)* Providers reporting to not meet / partially meet is defined as providers reporting to not meet at least one of the federal requirements in either the self-assessment or site assessment.

(E)* Number of providers reporting in either the self-assessment or site assessment that they may meet heightened scrutiny requirements and require additional review.

*Percentages in these fields are based on the total number of completed assessments (B).

Reasons for Not Meeting Federal Requirements (D* continued)

(D continued) Will show trends of how providers across service types responded to each federal requirement.  The numbers are based on providers reporting to not meet or partially meet each of the applicable federal requirements. 
