Partners in Lifelong Support Since 1966

LAUP 9th Annual “Week of the Young Child” Conference

Sponsored by Pierce College Child Development Department, Los Angeles Universal Preschool Pathways in Early Childhood Education (PECE) and Southern California Valley Association for the Education of Young Children (SCVAEYC) the conference wil focus on child growth and development.

The keynote speaker is Patricia Hunter McGrath, Owner/Director Branches Atelier, Mind in the Making: Seven Essential Life Skills That All Children Should Know. Topcis covered will include:

  • What are the seven Essential life skills that all parents and teachers should know?
  • How do these life skills support children’s learning and development?
  • How do we create learning environments that support focus and self control in young children?
  • How do we support communication and cognitive development?
  • How does making connections lie at the heart of children’s learning?
  • How do we create an environment that supports self directed, engaged learning?

Hands-on workshop to follow keynote speaker.

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Pierce College - The Great Hall
6201 Winnetka Ave.
Woodland Hills, CA 91371