Partners in Lifelong Support Since 1966

Early Years: The Amazing and Developing Brain

IDA presents Dr. Tina Payne Bryson, a parenting consultant, and psychotherapist at Pediatric and Adolescent Psychology Associates as the keynote speaker at their 2012 Southern California Regional Conference. Her book, The Whole-Brain Child, co-authored with Dr. Dan Siegel, gives parents practical ways to transform difficult moments into opportunities for children to thrive. She is a frequent lecturer to parents, teachers and clinicians, and writes for various websites and organizations. She is co-host of a web-based parenting show called The Intentional Parent. Dr. Bryson earned her Ph.D. from the University of Southern California, where she focused her research and studies on interpersonal neurobiology, attachment science, and childrearing theory.

The conference workshops will address the following topcis, including: •iPad Technology, •Postpartum Depression, •Sensory Integration, •Autism, •Infant Massage, •Brain Development and Attachment, •Music to Enhance Development, •Teaching Language in the Home.

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